Markdown syntax

Markdown is a text formatting syntax inspired by plain text emails. In the words of its creator, John Gruber:

The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.



  • Mac: + b
  • Win & Linux: Ctrl + b

Use two *s or _s for strong: strong and strong



  • Mac: + i
  • Win & Linux: Ctrl + i

Use one * or _ for emphasis: emphasis and emphasis


Inline code

  • Mac: + e
  • Win & Linux: Ctrl + e

Use ` for inline code: inline code

`inline code`


  • Mac: + + x
  • Win & Linux: Alt + Shift + x

Use two ~s for strikethrough: delete this text

~~delete this text~~


  • Mac: + k
  • Win & Linux: Ctrl + k

Use [text](url) or [text](url "title") for links.

[link text]( "title")
[link text](

Learn more about links in Typlog.


Use ![text](url) or ![text](url "title") for images.

![alt text](https://path/to/img.jpg)

An image with a "title" will be shown as a <figcaption>:

![alt text](https://path/to/img.jpg "title")

An Image Gallery can be formed by using multiple images:

![alt](/img/src) ![alt](/img/src)

Learn more about images in Typlog.


Use #s for headings.

Shortcuts for Mac
  • H1: + + 1
  • H2: + + 2
  • H3: + + 3
  • H4: + + 4
  • H5: + + 5
  • H6: + + 6
Shortcuts for Windows & Linux
  • H1: Alt +Shift + 1
  • H2: Alt +Shift + 2
  • H3: Alt +Shift + 3
  • H4: Alt +Shift + 4
  • H5: Alt +Shift + 5
  • H6: Alt +Shift + 6
# h1
## h2
### h3
#### h4
##### h5
###### h6


There are two types of list, ordered and unordered.

Ordered Lists

  • Mac: + + o
  • Win & Linux: Alt + Shift + o

Ordered list without paragraphs:

  1. foo
  2. bar
  3. baz
1. foo
2. bar 
3. baz

Unordered Lists

  • Mac: + + u
  • Win & Linux: Alt + Shift + u

Unordered list with paragraphs:

  • foo

    With multiple paragraphs.

  • bar

* foo

  With multiple paragraphs.

* bar

Mixed and Nested Lists

You can mix and nest lists:

* Abacus
  * anser
* Bubbles
  1. bunk
  2. bupkis
    * bar
  3. burper
* Cunning


  • Mac: + + q
  • Win & Linux: Alt + Shift + q

Use > for blockquotes:

Email-style angle brackets are used for blockquotes.

> Email-style angle brackets
> are used for blockquotes.

> > And, they can be nested.

> #### Headers in blockquotes
> * You can quote a list.
> * Etc.

Horizontal Rules

  • Mac: + + Enter
  • Win & Linux: Alt + Shift + Enter

Use three or more dashes or asterisks at the start of a line for horizontal rules: ---


Manual Line Breaks

  • Mac, Win & Linux: Shift + Enter

Use the keyboard shortcut, or end a line with two or more spaces:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.

Roses are red, [space][space]
Violets are blue. [space][space]

Block code

Use more than tree ` or ~ for code block:

def hello():

You can learn about fenced code in advanced markdown syntax.


Use [^key] for footnotes:

Here is a footnote1. (It's better to use word-word style keys.)

Here is a footnote[^key]. (It's better to use `word-word` style keys.)

[^key]: Some explanation.

Typlog is powered by the Mistune Markdown parser.

  1. Some explanation.

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